Help build accessible homes for younger people living with complex physical disabilities in Hawke’s Bay. Bricks start at $100 but you can also click here to give what you can, when you can, and work towards your brick.
By transacting you are agreeing with our Terms and Conditions: We reserve the right to hide brick display names that do not align with our Values or are harmful to our community. You have permission to use the brick display name.
If you prefer a bank transfer, our account number is:
03 | 0658 | 0005676 | 06 |
Please include ‘RA’, your last name and phone number as reference.
Email donations@psec.org.nz for a tax receipt.
Holding a fundraiser? We’d love you to let us know!
Email Amber.Mcarthur@giveabrick.org.nz
Join us and build a better life for everyone. One brick at a time.
As a foundational supporter at these levels, your name will appear on the Rowan Apartments digital wall and you will receive exclusive project updates and invitations.
Bricks start at $100 (one brick per transaction) but you can also give what you can, when you can! Click here to give less than $100 or to start regular giving to work towards your brick.
It's easy, fun, and will make a world of difference!
Or, support another BrickFEST fundraiser and all proceeds will go directly to Enliven Disability to help build the new Rowan Apartments.
Why build?
Everybody deserves to have a meaningful life within their community.

Combat a critical need
The housing shortage in Hawke’s Bay is well documented but this is even more critical for people who need accessible homes.
The critical shortage of accessible housing in Hawke’s Bay underscores the pressing need for viable solutions. We are building the accessible Rowan Apartments in response to this challenge.
Rowan Apartments stands as a beacon of inclusivity and a positive stride toward addressing the urgent shortage.

Build suitable housing
Right now, over 35 younger people living with complex physical disabilities are living in aged care facilities due to a lack of suitable alternatives. There is nowhere else to go, no one that can support their physical needs.
Public health waiting lists further highlight the heavy demand for housing options for younger people with disabilities. Every year we also hear from ageing parents who are challenged to find suitable housing options for their adult children who they care for.
Rowan Apartments donor – Shaun and Carol-Anne Morris-Eyton
Rowan Apartments donor – Katie Nimon MP
Rowan Apartments donor – Michelle Valler
Rowan Apartments donor – Tandem Insurance & Advice (Glenn & Franziska Marshall)
Rowan Apartments donor – Duncan & Anne-Marie Pollock
Rowan Apartments donor – Rev Wayne Toleafoa
Rowan Apartments donor – Hurford Parker Insurance Brokers Ltd
Rowan Apartments donor – Carla, Damon and Ben
Rowan Apartments donor – Nick Ward
Rowan Apartments donor – Family Works HB
Rowan Apartments donor – Brian Walker
Rowan Apartments donor – Valie & Debbie
Rowan Apartments donor – John Dagg
Rowan Apartments donor – Paladin Sports
Rowan Apartments
A life-long positive impact in Hawke’s Bay.
With your help, the modern accessible Rowan Apartments will provide a home for four more flatters (residents) with complex physical needs resulting from brain injuries, neurological, or genetic conditions. More than just leading accessible accommodation, Rowan Apartments empower choice, dignity, and control.

Accessible design
Designed with accessibility in mind, Rowan Apartments aims to empower each flatter by offering a living space that aligns with their unique life. Each apartment will be home for two flatters with their own bedroom and ensuite and shared living spaces.

Specialist support
The apartments will be modern, well-equipped homes designed to meet individual specialist support needs e.g. structural requirements for hoists and ramps.

By future-proofing these apartments and planning with robustness and flexibility in mind, Rowan Apartments will showcase the optimal approach for accessible homes.
You can help
Together we can have a life-long impact on our community.
The estimated build cost including construction and accessibility features is $3.5 million. Members of our community have already pledged over $1 million. Will you join them and help get this important Hawke’s Bay project off the ground?
This is your opportunity to be part of an impact project in Hawke’s Bay, building accessible homes for younger people living with complex physical needs. You can show your early support by buying a brick (or bricks) at Rowan Apartments.
The latest stories from Rowan Apartments.
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Presbyterian Support East Coast.
Charities number CC10279