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PSEC Volunteers

Local philanthropists using their own time and resources

Volunteers at the heart of our work 

PSEC is supported by a group of loyal and enthusiastic volunteers, some of which have been with us for more than 25 years. Each year, our volunteers contribute nearly 65,000 hours to PSEC, the value of which is equivalent to just under $1 million.


Be a part of PSEC’s vital work

If you’re new to the area, feeling lonely or simply want to widen your social circle, volunteering is a fun way to meet new people from all backgrounds while making a genuine difference.

If you’re a student or between jobs, volunteering adds great skills to your CV.  No matter what motivates you to join the team, we’ll look forward to welcoming you to our next volunteer’s event!


Our volunteers are people helping people

“It’s good to know my work is giving back to the community” Meet Hammond, a regular volunteer at our PSEC Charity Shop in Taradale.

Volunteer for us

We need more great people to join our volunteer team. You’ll make new friends, learn new skills and be part of social change in the lives of local people.

Wondering where you could help?

We have roles available at our Havelock North and Taradale PSEC Charity Shops. Play to your strengths and try something new at Enliven Disability and Enliven Older People services. Choose a morning or afternoon, or both, on a day that suits you.

It’s just an application away, fill out the form below and we’ll get back to you. If you have any questions or would like to find out more, just email us. 

    Step 1 of 6

    Contact details

    Step 2 of 6

    Volunteer roles

    Indicate which of our services you are interested in supporting, and which roles.

    Step 3 of 6

    Your availability

    Please let us know how much time you'd be prepared to give

    Step 4 of 6

    About You

    Step 5 of 6

    Your Character

    Do you have any criminal convictions, or are you awaiting the hearing of any charges in a court of law?

    Please provide a referee we can contact to establish your suitability for volunteering

    Step 6 of 6


    Our clients and families involved with Presbyterian Support East Coast are accorded confidentiality. As a volunteer with this organisation I agree to respect and maintain this trust.

    I agree to my name and phone number being used with Presbyterian Support East Coast. The personal information contained in this form will be held by and remain confidential to Presbyterian Support East Coast.

    Under the Privacy Act 1993, you have the right (with certain exceptions) to request access to, and correction of, any personal information held by us.

    I declare that all the information provided by me in support of my application is correct.

    I acknowledge that if I have provided incorrect or misleading information, or have omitted information of significance I may be disqualified from becoming a Volunteer, or if appointed, be liable to be dismissed.

    A message from Sanja

    Sanja Majstorović has been PSEC’s Chief Executive for over 12 years and feels privileged to be part of a team that has been improving the lives of local people since 1946. You are an important part of PSEC, whether you are a donor, a volunteer, a staff member, or a business supporter. It is with your support that we can help our community reach their potential. Let’s make a difference together!


    Delve into our stories to learn more about us.

    Aana Cookson’s journey to joining a Hawke’s Bay disability service isn’t one you might expect. “The bulk of my career…
    Evelyn’s on the project committee for Enliven Disability’s new Rowan Apartments and she is also a flatter at Rowan. Before…
    Proudly sponsored by Midlands Funds Management. Join us for an inspiring morning of entertainment, laughter, motivation, and energy. Leave ready to…
    “I’m retired and if you’re not careful you can get lonely. I absolutely love volunteering at the Enliven community day programmes, we have such a laugh together.”
    Volunteer, Enliven Older People
    “It’s good to know my work is giving back to the community.”
    Hammond, volunteer PSEC Charity Shop
    A group of people smiling and giving a thumbs up signal with their hands. One person uses a wheelchair.

    Thank you for giving

    You have helped your community to reach their potential.