Starting school without necessities is tough for kids, and it’s not just one problem but a tangled mix of family issues. These children carry their home struggles into school, signalling distress. Our community’s kids need help; each one faces a unique situation. Supporting them includes easing tangible burdens: emergency food, school supplies, even a bed. Like Leslie*, who wore makeshift gumboots with cut-out heels to accommodate growing feet. Thanks to the SWiS (Social Workers in Schools) team, Leslie got socks and proper shoes. Your donation directly supports local children through a trusted service, Family Works, addressing each child’s needs in collaboration with other organisations.
SWiS teams, stretched thin across schools, partner with school staff, offering early intervention but often providing crisis support. In Hawke’s Bay, transience is one example that disrupts education, with kids losing ground every time they change schools. Your contribution could spark positive change for a child like Leslie, providing the urgent practical support they need to return to school and restore their lives after challenges, grief, or trauma.*Personal details changed to protect privacy.
Give $24 or more to relieve practical pressures for a child as they start the school year.
Give online at or call 0800 002 953.
If you prefer a bank transfer, our account number is 03 0658 0005676 06, please use last name and phone number as reference.