Today, Friday 30 June, marks a significant occasion for Presbyterian Support East Coast (PSEC) as it signs over their specialist palliative care service, Cranford Hospice, to the Hawke’s Bay community.
Board members from PSEC, Cranford Hospice Trust and Cranford Hospice Foundation Trust signed documents confirming PSEC’s gift of Cranford Hospice to the community.
This will see Cranford Hospice become a stand-alone charity, and allow both the specialist palliative care service and PSEC to focus on their core businesses. This is very much a coming of age move for Cranford and will bring it in-line with the governance of other hospices around the country.
PSEC Board Chairman, Maitland Manning says, on behalf of the Board, PSEC is putting the interests of the community first and has played an active role in passing Cranford into community ownership.
PSEC established Cranford Hospice 35 years ago and Mr Manning says it took vision, courage and a lot of persistence.
“A number of people gave freely of their own time and their own expertise to make it happen. As a result, today Cranford is a very highly regarded part of the hospice scene and is highly valued by the Hawke’s Bay community.
“We are proud, not only of the crucial part PSEC played in bringing Cranford into being, but in our willingness to gift Cranford when the time was right,” he says.
The PSEC board, executives, staff and volunteers wish Cranford Hospice all the very best for the future and continue to have great faith in the exceptional service they provide to those in need.
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Board members from PSEC, Cranford Hospice Trust and Cranford Hospice Foundation Trust signed documents confirming the gift from PSEC of Cranford Hospice to the community.
Pictured from left are: Representing Cranford Hospice Foundation Trust, Alison McEwan and John Buck; representing Presbyterian Support East Coast, Board member Stuart Signal and Chairman Maitland Manning; representing Cranford Hospice Trust, Frane Rosandich and Lindsay Knowles.