For over forty years we have proudly offered individual disability support with a local approach. Since the opening of Rowan House in 1983, we have kept expanding to meet the changing needs of our community. Other milestones in our disability residential service include adding the first Rowan cottages in 2005, moving Rowan House flatters to a new home in 2010, and the new cottage for a married couple in 2012. More recently, Enliven Disability added Middle Road (Havelock North) sites from 2021 and refurbished the Rowan cottages in 2023 following Cyclone Gabrielle flood damage. Now Enliven Disability is growing to support even more people. We celebrated the start of the new accessible Rowan Apartments building project on 13 August 2024.
Flatter Eamon Marshall lived at Rowan House for the eighteen months before he died at age twenty. Please click here to read about Eamon’s voice for change. Eamon’s dad Glenn comments on the service, “Enliven has not only retained its core not-for-profit philosophy and values but has also retained its local identity and autonomy. This has enabled Enliven to provide bespoke support that is tailored to our local community.”
Enliven Disability Service Manager Andrew Wordsworth says, “Our goal with Rowan Apartments is to increase the accessible housing stock in Hawke’s Bay. We want to get that real core fundamental basic thing, of shelter and appropriate housing, right for the people we serve so that they can go on and experience and explore their good life.” Glenn adds, “The building of the apartments at Rowan will take the support that Rowan offers to the next level by providing a more homely and individualised living environment.”
Construction of the state-of-the-art accessible homes has started. Nick Ward from Proactive Management Ltd is engaged as Project Manager, and Julian Davis and his Davcon Construction team are on site. We aim to welcome new flatters by the end of 2025.
Pictured: Rowan Apartments Groundbreaking event 13 August 2024, from left to right is Catherine Wedd (MP for Tukituki), Evelyn Churchill (Rowan Apartments Project Committee and Rowan flatter), Andrew Wordsworth (Enliven Disability Service Manager), Chad Cooper and Geoffrey Edwards (Rowan flatters), Katie Nimon (MP for Napier and Northern Hawke’s Bay), and Kirsten Wise (Mayor of Napier).
Pictured: Construction of the new Rowan Apartments has started.
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